american whisky

on the american whisky page we are going to discuss an old style of whisky around for centuries. bourbons, ryes and whiskies. the american palate for whisky is broad and confusing at best. we will help dispel a few myths and hopefully justify drinking american over old world whiskies.

theres a couple rules to american whisky.

to be called straight bourbon, it must be aged in virgin oak for at least two years. it must contain a mash bill of at least 51% corn, although it does not have to be made in kentucky.
to be a stright rye, it must have aged in virgin oak for at least two years. it must contain a mash bill of at least 51% rye grain.
to be called straight whiskey, it must be aged in virgin oak for at least two years.

whiskey, on the other hand, can be aged for minutes, but it must touch oak, if only for a short time.

all whiskey in america must be at least 40% alcohol.

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