hennessy paradis

Hennessy paradis


The four exiles.

We all know the ‘ring around the rosie’ song we all sung as sweet, innocent kids, right? Did you know that as a six year old kid with grass stained knees and scraped elbows, you may also be performing your first séance? singing this song you were actually serenading a hundred thousand of the dead.

The song that we learned to sing was based loosely on the outbreak of the plague in England around 1665, or perhaps the black death. Lets review:

‘ring around the rosie’

-blushing in the cheeks was a symptom of the first stages of the plague. The ring around the rosie implies redness on the cheeks.

‘pocket full of posies’

-keeping posies in your pocket was a method of warding off the plague. As well, do we not surround the dead with bunches of flowers? The Egyptians stuffed a pharaoh’s sarcophagus full of flowers and the embalming process dealt with being stuffed with flowers.

‘ashes, ashes’

-depicts the cremation of the dead.

‘we all fall down’

-there were an estimated 100,000 killed from the plague in England over the course of two years. That was about 15% of england’s population. we all fall down, means, we all die.

Well good morning! Isn’t that a great way to start your day? I have another story for you, one from the 1st century about four rabbi’s who entered paradise. This is an old story, roughly 2,000 years old, so please see the subtleties to this story and be as haunted as I am. Remember, they didn’t even have internet at this time, so the story might be a bit subtle.

-The four rabbis ascended to paradise by meditating and ‘utilizing’ gods name.

Ben Azzai gazed on paradise and died. Ben Zoma gazed and went insane. Acher cut down the plantings(becoming blasphemous or heretic). Rabbi Akiva entered in peace and left in peace.-

I found that to be a frightening story for being written so long ago. What happened when I entered paradise though?

Alc. 40%


Pear shaped clear glass decanter. Stylish and sexy. Simplistic, small etching.


Floral pears, jammy raisins and leather. Dusty closet. Sweet spun sugar and spicy plum cake. Exotic fruits, fresh sawn oak. Sawdust burnt by saw. Hints of dark berries.


Spicy peach lozenge. Cassis throughout. Super smooth, warming honeycomb and syrup. Blossoms and cassis, spiced cake. Cotton candy and dark berries. Oak is evident, but only complimentary, no overpowering. Dried flowers, palate coating.


full of rotting strawberries, honey and nut oils. Very long.

Please note:

This is a very rare blend for those who are really looking for something special. The palate is rich and ever moving. The texture is velvet. The finish lasts for at least twenty minutes.

This blend is made up of over 100 eau de vie and ranges from 25 – 100 years, which is stated by the good people at hennessy.

Hennessy is one of the ‘big 5’ cognac houses in france. They blend distilled eau de vie that dates back to 1880. Remarkable cognac house with exceptional products.

Hennessy sells roughly 40% of all the cognac in the world. It is the worlds largest cognac producer.


I have seen this bottle carry a price tag ranging from 500$ – to over 1,000$. Its out of my price range by far, and I can’t say that I will buy another glass of this product. it is well executed and well balanced, but the price simply outweighs the reward.

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